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Arapuá Mountain

Shaman Pankará João Miguel. The Serra do Arapuá is a mountain traditionally occupied by people Pankará. They had their recognition as indigenous people by the Brazilian government in 1940, but even today they are not the owners of their traditional lands. While the regularization process has dragged on for decades, they are obligated to a not always peaceful coexistence with farmers invaders.

BRAZIL | Tuesday, 4 June 2013 | Views [853] | View Smaller Image

Shaman Pankará João Miguel. The Serra do Arapuá is a mountain traditionally occupied by people Pankará. They had their recognition as indigenous people by the Brazilian government in 1940, but even today they are not the owners of their traditional lands. While the regularization process has dragged on for decades, they are obligated to a not always peaceful coexistence with farmers invaders.

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