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Erica Nairn

Last day in Moscow

RUSSIAN FEDERATION | Saturday, 21 May 2011 | Views [448]

21st of May

So my last day in Moscow I am thinking I will go on this Metro tour. I walk down to the agency and it is closed. I am really close the red square agian and think, I will just walk that front part of the kremlin that goes along the river. Then I decided just to walk to Gorky Park. So past the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour and the awsome piratey statue of Peter the great and over a bridge. As I walk up I see that they are haveing the annual Harley davidson riders of russia gathering. As I walk up tons of harleys are comming into the parking lot. They are doing the moto thing where they cruise around in circles finding a spot to park, kinda like dogs looking for the right spot to lay down.

Inside there is a sort of festivale, stilt guys, the guys with immence boquets of balloons and the booths to win stuffed animals. I decide since I didn't go on the tour I should take the boat that goes up and down the Moscow river. Just as I am buying my ticket I hear amazing thunder and just as the boat is leaving it starts to rain in torents. I thought it was funny because the whole time I was singing winds of change, by the scorps, in my head and it had been so sunny all afternoon, and then the wind of change came literally! And when we returned about 1/2 an hour the sun was out in full force.

I also found this awsome sculpture in this park I happen to come acrost( well more then one) it was called " Children are victims of adult vices" or something close to that. It had two kids in the middle and all the evil adults around them.

Back at the hostel the old Indian gay told me I was open minded.

"Thank you?"

"I have only preposed marrage one other time"

":/ Im just cooking up these frozen vegetables in this pan"

" so I want to know if you will marry me"

" I acually laughed while saying" nanano. No way"

" Oh do you have someone at home"

" UUHH Yeahhh."

Went to sleep fairly early after all that walking. Tomarrow I shop for the train. I am gunna make a bunch of sammys. I found what I believe is coldcut turkey and I am going for it. also salami.

Oh here are the things I observed are some major diferences between seattle people and moscow people.

1.They are a bit more religious

2.men all have purses

3.Women are way to comfy in 7 inch heels

4.Pedestrians trust drivers way to much to pay attention to them. So many times I think how am I going to cross this 8 lane road. Then I spot a russian and get as close behind him or her as I can without making them feel uncomfortable. and sure enough the cars slow down with no malice in there eyes, and we get across.

Tags: gorkey park, moscow

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