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Traditional English Fox Hunt in Victoria.

About englishfoxhuntaustralia

Hello, my name is Niklas Passmann. I'm 24 years old and grew up in Germany. Photography has been the tool the express myself since the age of eleven. If people asked me what i wanted to become when i grow up, they always got the same answer. "I want to become a National Geographic Photographer"

Even though i have loved photography ever since i've got my first camera, I pursued the wrong career path after i finished school at the age of sixteen. 

I followed my families suggestion and started an apprenticeship as an electrician. "It is always got to have learned something proper, just in case this photography thing doesn't work out for you", was what i've got as advise. 

I liked being an electrician but could never see myself working in this job for my whole life. Photography had still been my passion while doing my apprenticeship and after i finished it in 2010, I decided to move to Australia and work hard to make my dream, of becoming a professional photographer, come true. Working in the wrong job for more than 3 years just made me want it even more. I want to tell stories, want to share the love i have for this planet, with others through my photography, wake up people, educate them about the issues in the world. 

I love how Photography gives me the unique ability to capture a moment in time, something that makes people think. Capture images that can maybe change something in the world, thats what i want to do and thats what i now live for. Everybody wants to leave their mark in the world and I believe that through my photography, i can leave mine.