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From the Clouds to the Sea "Not I- not anyone else, can travel that road for you. You must travel it for yourself.” Whitman

Imaginations realized...

INDIA | Monday, 26 July 2010 | Views [288] | Comments [3]

I have left the comfortable embrace of New Jersey and the good times had there, to continue the thought that turned to imagination which is now a realization. I have landed in Dharamasa/Mcleod Ganj/Bagsu Nag, a piece of land high in the foothills of Northern India where the homes and buildings cling to the sides of the steep hills like mountain goats. The journey here was long but being in such a state of (holy shit what am a doing???) made it hard to fully realize and in tern the long flight was not so bad. I met my very friendly Taxi driver Amit outside the airport, whom my mother insisted on using (she had used him twice to travel the same road, love ya ma!) We swiftly jumped in the car and pushed our way through two hours of Delhi traffic, which is like non I have ever seen. It is more like a river of cars and trucks flowing through far too small and unlined streets with polite horns warning that "WE ARE COMING THROUGH", than any stop and go traffic we or I may be used to. Surprisingly it works very well for how many vehicles are trying to make way. I then fell asleep for a few hours only to wake up to a near full moon setting over the first glimpse of India I would truly get. The sun had yet to rise, but the light had already awoken the mist so that you could see the shadows of the trees and make out just enough land. My chest sunk and I was truly here. soon after the sun rose as well as I to enjoy what it allows our eyes to see, and this time, for the first time, for me, it was India! 

My first culture shock came soon after, when we stopped to get some chai tea before we made the assent. As we waited a pack of pilgrims, age 15-20, getting ready for their early morning movement to there respective temples, surrounded me and my tea. They pulled my arms to see my tattoos, smiled, giggled to themselves and then proceeded to get about 15 chairs and sit all around me and my tea. being pilgrims, english was not happening and I for sure wasn't able to speak a squeek to them, however we made due. Once I shrugged of the bother of being interrupted with my tea, it became a pleasant good morning from them and an even bigger "Welcome to India". It was definitely a plunge where as I may have wanted to dip my toe first, but I'm glad it happened that way.

Finally we reached our destination. I got the first place I could just to put my stuff down and breathe a bit. Amit my trustee taxi driver, whom I befriended and new i could count on, insisted that he let his friend house me and since it would be through him it would lower the price by 2000 rupees. I'm glad I listened, because tomorrow i will be moving to a spot that I will live in for at least the next month, that is high up above the towns with and incredible view of the valley bellow. The only thing i can think of is that it's like  Mt. Olympus and I have found some way to get through the gates. This is God country if I've ever seen it. besides the view, it's only 10 minutes walk to my school. I will try and describe the digs and road I'm on more later once I actually get there and settle in.

So...I arrived this morning at 7:30am (Monday)thinking I wouldn't got to any classes because i would be too whipped, but, yes there is a but. I went to just go check in and my teacher whom I already love insisted that i don't miss her class. I had already missed her husbands which is the massage section in the morning. Hers is the concepts, theory and Psychology of Ayurveda which allows you to better understand people and properly diagnose them. my weary body, feet and soul managed to make it and meet the crew as well as get my first dose of Ayurveda class. I already have homework and I haven't been here for more than 12 hours (place proverbial gun in mouth here) I can already tell this is going to be tough but the content and my teachers seem wonderful. They truly want you to understand, not just regurgitate.

 Ok, eyes are fading, needed to get that all out. Some sleep is what i need. Till the next time i need puke all over this journal or blog, eeeeew the word blog made me really puke ;) let's stick with journal.




nick - i am so glad you made it safely to your destination! i am so intrigued and awe inspired reading your words. can't wait to hear more about your teachers and classmates. the pilgrim story made me grin from ear to ear.


  sarah Jul 27, 2010 7:08 AM


What a whirlwind ride! Already in it thick!

You used to be my lil' Onetrickpony but I think you gonna get learnded' a trick or two to add to the ol' slop bucket of knowledge you lug around on your shoulders.

Love you brother!

  Big Riffe Jul 27, 2010 11:02 AM


Ah, Nick, how awesome to hear your journey story. The best part is that I can really imagine it all with you! Keep posting - it's so cool to hear your stories! And, yay for Amit!

  Pat Jul 27, 2010 11:04 AM

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