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My Life, My Adventure

My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

Indonesia | Sunday, June 30, 2013 | 5 photos

I know photography through postcards often given by my father and my uncle every time they went to traveling. I’m so curious on natural beauty that was printed and always thinking how to get those beautiful pictures. The first time I can take pictures with camera are when I was having a study tour to Bali, in 2001 by borrowed camera from my aunt. Since then, I was in love with photography.

For years I never had my own camera. I have to borrowed camera from someone else. This continued until I enrolled at university where I’ve always borrowed camera from friends for hunting pictures or photography assignment. After working for 4 years, I finally can buy a semiprofessional camera in 2012.

Until now I’m still trying to continue to increasing my skills by creating a travel blog (muslimtravelergirl.blogspot.com) where I could write and put some of my travel pictures. I used tagline “I’m muslim and a backpacker traveler”. As a muslim girl who usually traveling alone, I challenge myself and people I met on my journey to not to see my religion background but to see my intent to meet people, culture and places from various perspective and angle, just like a photography did.

About endahkurnia

In the middle of the road from Anakala city to Waikabubak city

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