Check tfl website, 40minutes change twice. Better get going, takes 15mins to walk there. Ugh.
Don't have tube map, decide to wing it. Know enough now to know stations and direction. All good.
Ipod today? Maybe not, bit over the music, can't think what will suit my mood.
Walkedy walkedy to the station, people ask for directions to station, tell them but don't feel like telling them I am going there myself, otherwise akward conversation may ensue. Strange, because at home (in Aus) I would always have a chat to people, but no, I'm in tube mind and that involves get in, get out, no conversations unless neccessary.
Station, no trains affected, all good lines, thankgod. The other day had to walk for extra 20mins to find a station, thankgod my flatmate happened to turn up beside me therefore me actually being able to find it. Mental note, still should buy a A-Z london map, but probably won't happen.
Train, mental note to get on underground, not overground. Has been done. Rip out book, huzzah for sitting. However, only 1 other person in carraige, slight panic at thought of being attacked, decide to push it aside and continue reading, more people get on at next stop. Breath a sigh of relief.
Change at Bakerloo, walk walk walk to East bound platform to Liverpool. Get on busy line. Make extreme effort not to touch anyone in crowded space and akwardly avoid eye contact at all costs. Make eye contact, half smile, but really have no energy, quite tired today, also get nothing back and remember it's london and no-one smiles on the tube.
People get off as changes. Phew. Sit! Score!! More reading. Slightly annoyed when have to get off at stop.
Confused about which exit at Liverpool station, remember general rule to always follow the majority of the people they will lead you out.
oo a Boots!! Duck in there to grab some stuff. 30 pound later! I did need it though. Boring, expensive essentials for the next travel stint.
Meet up with friend. V. nice dinner and reminded there are soo many areas in London, it's just endless. You kinda forget when you are in one place, even for a week I'd nearly forgotten already!
Back on the tube. Similar routine. Nearly took the wrong tube and realised on the same platform as arrived on. That can't be right! Just miss right tube, think 'crap' but then realise there will be another one in about 1 minute. haha, the way the mind works.
More reading, more avoidance of eye contact and back at my home station. Thanking my stars I live in a safe area (well, temporarily live) and loving the fact the tube runs late. In fact I think there is more people getting off at 10pm then there is during the day.
Stroll home, stop at the convenience store because severely craving fruit as very much missing vegies and fruit at home. Panadol from Boots kicks in a dulls my headache. Thankyou Boots!
Flatmates are watching braveheart. Classic
Good times :)