Today I gave my facilitation speech. It went pretty smooth I thought. We talked about education in Ecuador. I thought it was the most interesting topic just because it’s the same but then again so much more different than the United States. Our final jeopardy question was to guess our professors age. Throughout the trip everyone has wondered how old she is and today I had the guts to ask her and make it into a question. Bold Josh, bold. Today was the final day of our classes. I have really enjoyed them because we got really in depth with our discussions about Ecuador and it’s Education, Health care, Migration, and Media. Going into Ecuador I had no clue how anything worked but now after 2 weeks of classes, I know fully what Ecuador has to offer to the people.
After class, we had a cooking class. We made some delicious beef, a tomato and onion salad, a really unique drink, a side dish of corn and cheese, and a delicious dessert. We had to cut and clean everything. Very fun experience of what Ecuador’s food is like. About a half an hour after cooking and eating we had a salsa dance class. It was brutal. It was a ton of fun though and oh boy was I sweating again. What a workout dancing can be especially when you’re shaking your butt as much as I was.
Tonight we plan on going out to a dinner with the whole class and our professor to celebrate the end of classes. It should be a lot of fun since I have an awesome group of friends here.
This will probably be my last blog but don’t worry you won’t be missing much. I’m only going to Saraguro tomorrow and then Guayaquil on Monday where it is 90 degrees right now. Hello sun and the ocean. Really looking forward to it. I also have a final project that is due on Monday that consists of my time in Ecuador and how it relates back to class. I will be sure to show you guys it because I plan to throw some humor into it. I’m really looking forward to closing out my time in Ecuador with a bang because I will probably never get this opportunity again.