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100 Days Of Summer When your home country is covered in feet of snow and -20 is the average temperature everywhere it's important to flaunt that you aren't home! This blog documents my adventures through the Pacific and South East Asia as I enjoy exactly 100 Days of Summer.

Puppies, Police, and Perfume: Life at LAX

USA | Thursday, 16 January 2014 | Views [569]

Hey friends! Just sitting here airside at Tom Bradley International Terminal at LAX enjoying berries, terra chips and the amazing view! As you we'll know last night I slept in the terminal. My Australian parents went back through security and checked into a hotel, but before that they informed the airline I was sleeping here so they would keep my checked bag in storage. I'll meet my Aussie parents in a few hours landside to go through the whole standby process again.

For those who don't know what standby is, basically because I missed my flight I can either pay $2000 dollars for a new ticket or I can wait to see if someone misses their flight and there's an empty seat. A lot of people actually choose to fly like this because it can be cheaper, but they are usually flying with a larger airline that flies frequently throughout the day. In the meantime sleeping in the airport has become part of the adventure. Both my real parents and my Australian parents said I should watch "The Terminal" starring Tom Hanks because it's become my life and maybe I'll find it funny once I'm home in a few months. Despite being dumb enough to miss my flight, I was smart enough to keep a sleeping bag liner, earplugs, a sleep mask and my stuffed buddy Google in my carry-on. Last night I found a couch and spread out with all the equipment to comfortably block out the world. I even looked up what to do when stuck in an airport only to learn that LAX has therapy dogs! Excited for a new day I fell asleep but was abruptly woken up by a police officer poking my foot at 3:25am. Our conversation went something like this:

Officer: Miss, are you okay?

Me: Whaaa? Oh, yeah I guess, no, sure. I'm flying standby because I missed my flight and I can't afford a hotel so I'm staying here.

Officer: What airline are you flying?

Me: Fiji Airline, Airway? .....I'm going to Fiji

Officer: Doesn't that only fly once a day?

Me: Yeah

Officer: Oh

Then he left. I slept until 7am, but it was very very cold. At 7am I got up and started my day (changed out of pajamas, brushed my teeth and hair, washed my face etc.) , I even stopped by a Jo Malone counter and asked for a sample of my scent. They didn't have sample bottles, but she did let me spray myself with some Wild Bluebell. Rested, refreshed and ready for anything I set out on my mission to find some puppies, and maybe catch a flight to Fiji.

Tags: canadian, fiji, lax, stranded, the terminal, tom bradley


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