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There's no place like home

My Scholarship entry - There's no place like home

Netherlands | Thursday, November 13, 2014 | 5 photos

I studied Cultural Anthropology to stay in contact with people and cultures. Until now however, I didn’t find the right way to express myself. I started photographing about a year ago while travelling with my journalist boyfriend. We have been to a lot of places which have gone bad because of war and poverty. With photography, I try to capture what I see into stories that haven’t been told, or stories that haven’t been told often enough. Photography is not just about pressing a button to take pictures of the things, people or situations I see: it’s an interaction and connection between me and what or who I am taking a picture of. I want the pictures I take to get people thinking about their own lives. I am for instance, fortunate enough to be able to decide to pursue something I enjoy doing. Without any formal training but with only a sense of feeling to do what I think is important and will make me happy, I want to become a travel and documentary photographer. I hope Jason will be able to help with this, and explain more about the technical as well as aesthetic side of photography. I see a lot happening, but I need Jason to help me translate what I see into a story.

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