I forgot to mention in my previous article additional flight circumstances that I found rather disturbingly humorous @ the time, during which I became Tom Hanks. but not Tom Hanks of "Sleepless in Seattle," a lover. nor Tom Hanks of "Catch me if you Can," an FBI agent. at least I wasn't Tom Hanks of "Castaway!" instead, I was Tom Hanks of "The Terminal," and this is how.
So we had those 2 additional hours on the plane in Auckland as we waited for the intercom to be fixed, right? and then we de-boarded the plane for another 2 hrs, during which time we were issued $10 food vouchers. The international terminal had a mere 2 choices of places to eat, a cafe & Burger King, neither of which sounded good to me. As I'd already been in airports & on planes for almost 12 hrs, I felt like a walk, so I decided I'd stretch my legs & visit to the domestic terminal, which had better food choices. To my chagrin, I was stopped by security & informed that I'd already officially left New Zealand, and was therefore not allowed to leave the international terminal! I was less-than overjoyed, and didn't like the feeling of being stuck somewhere, not allowed to leave.
Thus, I did another lap of the terminal, only to return to the cafe line, which had approximately 150 people in front of me. At least I was able to get something to eat, consisting of a stale croissant and an oddly-flavored chicken mango chutney sandwich.
As for star sightings, Jessica & I saw Peter Jackson in the mall while we were in Wellington eating lunch on Mother's Day...
I'm currently, yet again, attempting to download and upload pictures; we'll see if I have a link to send out soon!