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The Murder At Herschel Island

My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

Canada | Wednesday, June 19, 2013 | 5 photos

A few years ago I was never into the arts the only things I wanted to do was party, write graffiti or chase girls (I was 99% unsuccessful). I started doing a lot of graffiti and I wanted to document the work I had done. Ever since I bought my first camera my life hasn't been the same. Photography changed me in a way no life lesson or therapist ever could. It was a awakening to the world around me. It allowed me to see and experience the world in a new light. Nothing feels better then having a camera in my hand and walking around any given street corner at any given time of day. If I could photograph every day I would. It has become a more of a obsession then a choice. What I hope to gain from the workshop a solid series of work, a friendship with Jason and to be able to pick his brain of every little bit of advice and experience he has to offer. I am willing to relearn and be completely open to any advice he has to give to me. I hope to give back to the photography community what photography gave to me a second chance at seeing and experiencing the world. Although It sounds corny, If I could show one person and change them the way photography did for me even that would be enough.

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