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My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

Australia | Sunday, January 13, 2013 | 3 photos

I see energy. I have wanted to 'freeze' the moments I see, the energy I FEEL since I was a child. I would 'blink-freeze' to capture the moment, to create a vivid file of the memory. So you can imagine my elation when I found out that an actual instrument exists! A CAMERA! Ohmygosh! It was magic! It IS magic and I am so grateful for my ability to work with such magic, although I still have so much to learn.
It scares me (a little) and humbles me (a lot) that I am never, ever going to be good enough to truly capture the beauty that exists in this world. But it's a damn good goal to work towards....and this is a damn EXCELLENT opportunity to learn how to capture some if it.
I can hear the sight of Oman in my head. Does that sound weird?! I can feel the colours of Oman! I KNOW that I can photograph this sensory overload!
This is what I was born to do, to 'capture' the energy of the world and share it. A photographer is a medium, between energy and light and human sight. I want to share what I see and how I see it, with the world. I am a medium and this is what I do. Help me be better than medium... I am so excited!

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