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Blue Lady in the Red Land

About doshin

Capital Reef National Park

Capital Reef National Park

Doshin, which means "way of the heart" is my dharma name. I'm a Buddhist lady of a certain age who lives in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.

I earn my money doing a variety of jobs that I love all of which involve teaching, writing and walking with others for awhile on their life journeys. I'm a pretty good traveling companion and guide.

Because I find joy in my work, I'm not ready to set off on a 'round the world journey. Instead I journey in place. I try to go deep instead of far and wide. I want to learn as much as I can about the people and places where I find myself.

I explore the western United States as much as I can. I wasn't born and raised out here, but now that I have found these mountains, plains and deserts, I know this is where I will be staying the rest of my life. I've become addicted to the sky and space.

Please join me on my journey. I'm excited to show you what I see.