Mysore palace. It's not allowed to take photos inside the palace which is quite a stunning place. There is a stage that overlooks a courtyard which was the most impressive place with columns and carvings of Hindu gods. Next best was a hall with a glass roof and ornate columns that supported the roof
Lovely palace, nice hotel, the restaurants in the posh hotels are good and I've meta few Indian people who are very nice. But I justdon't like the place, maybe it's because everyone is tucked up in bed by 11pm.Chumandi hill overlooks the city and I went up there today hoping to get a great view of the city but it wasn't as good as I thought. Maybe I should have stopped half way down because the hill was so high that I couldn't even make out th e palace which is right in the centre of town and pretty big, but I was on a bus.
I queued for an hour to get into the temple on the top of the hill to receive a blessing. In that hour I was watching an old boy with one leg who was begging and I only saw one person give him one coin in that time so there goes the "they're raking it in" theory about beggars. Of course I gave him nothing either, it's a matter of principle that one doesn't wish to encourage that sort of thing.