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Downunder Adventure


USA | Thursday, 23 February 2006 | Views [760] | Comments [3]

HELLO TO ALL:  We have managed to drive to Brisbane, Fly to Cairnes (Great Barrier Reef) and dry again from Cairnes and we are currently in Hervey Bay, next to Frazier Island. While in Cairnes, Dan took a gondola ride that lasted for 7 miles one-way over the rain forest.  I stayed home and read.  I learned how to drive on the wrong side of the road and actually I'm much better at it than Dan but he would never admit that.  The highlight of our trip tus far has been a snorkel/dive trip out to White Haven Beach.  It is a small island made up of pure white silica sand.  The ocean is warm and aqua blue.  I'm not kidding and have taken pictures to prove it.  Dan took a dive lesson and now he is hooked.  I finally spent more than 2 minutes snorkeling from a boat, hurray.  Actually the fish are not as plentiful as in Hawaii but we did see sea turtles eating jellyfish.  Lots and lots of jellyfish here.  Dan had a very good look at some colorful coral deeper than I can see from the top of the water while snorkeling.  Hervey Bay is a lovely place with a zillion tropical birds.  Last night we saw about a thousand (I'm not exagerating) fruit bats fly over our little cabin.  Amazing.  We will travel south towards Brisbane and stop at Rainbow Bay tomorrow (2/24) for a couple of days.  We leave Brisbane for Christchurch, New Zealand out of Brisbane on 2/28.  That will end our journey to Australia.  I would recommend Australia to everyone and we have barely seen the east coast.  It has rained several times but it keeps it cooler.  It is very warm and tropical here and they have casinos.  The chickens back home are being fed and now apparently even have names by Betty Ann and Paul the people watching our house.  Connie will take the month of March and into April until we return.  I sure hope Amy, Trevor and Bella are coming to Hawaii for the last 2 weeks in May.  We miss you all and it is terrible not having phone contact.  We are getting a disc of our photos and will be forwarding a few in our next update.  TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES AND LOVE TO ALL.   Dan & Joyce

Tags: Adventures



Yea!! I am so glad to hear that you guys are having such a good time. The Whitsunday Islands are absoluteley amazing (White Haven beach), I am so happy that you had a chance to see them! Unc no worries the driving gets easier, it's the pulling out that still poses a challenge!! Good on you aunt Joyce, for getting the hang of it. I never had the chance to make it to Port Douglas, I can't wait to hear how it is. I didn't care for Cairnes either, plus I was sicker than a dog!! I hope you two continue to have "heaps" of good times!!

  Tyra McCart Swanson Feb 25, 2006 12:30 PM


I am so happy you are having a great time. I really miss talking to you. I went to work last week, cutting hair. I will be working 3 days a week for awhile. Then hopefully down to two days. I got the flu the first day in town, (that was great). So I have been in bed since Sat. I work tomorrow so hopefully I am built back up.I wish I was there enjoying the warm water with you. It sounds great. Give my love to Dan.

  Carol Busico Mar 2, 2006 7:26 AM


Wow!!! So when you 2 move to Australia and need a vacation from there - YOU CAN CERTAINLY CALL ON ME TO HOUSE SIT!!!! It sounds absolutely wonderful! Since your birthday was Friday Joyce!!!!! I'm passing on a few wishes that came in via telephone (won't even list all the [apparently] birthday cards that have come in). Doris Teich called and wished you a happy birthday. Donella Vergarre also. And your cousin Sheila called and wished you a happy birthday and said that Austin is home from Iraq on 3/19. She sounded so excited!!!! (Who can blame her???) She asks continued prayers for him and all the other boys and girls over there. Believe me - that's a very important part of my daily talk with the Lord. Everything is going so well here at the house! There was a HUGE rainstorm the first three days. Torrential rains almost constantly. Poor Paul just got DRENCHED unloading their suitcases from the car at airport. But yesterday the sun finally came out and I actually lowered the top on the Sebring - and WOW if I didn't feel like this was surely going to be what Heaven is like!!!! Drove down south to the hot pool - took some heavenly pics. Thank you SOOOO much for allowing me to stay in your beautiful house while you trek! Today is Sunday - think I'll try that New Hope church down the road from you. There seem to be so many little churches here - there will not be enough Sundays to see them all!!! BTW - Betty Ann and Paul are the nicest folks - they met me with a gorgeous lei and took me to Ning's in Pahoa and I had what may have been perhaps the best food I've ever eaten in my life - pineapple curry on sticky rice..... And we just yakked and yakked - I love it when people are not strangers for more than about 30 seconds!!! I made two new wonderful friends - that alone is worth a trip! I apologize for this being so long - but you know how I am.... I ran you out of minutes on your phone card the other night and I've probably exceeded the character limit on this blog.... I'll post again real soon!!! Again - All is well - chicks are being fed. Froggies are wonderful (truly) Neighbors are lovely! And please don't worry about anything at home - I'll do my best to keep your gorgeous home as you would want!!! Love, C

  Connie Hays Mar 6, 2006 4:33 AM

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