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Julie & Peter's travel adventures

Just beginning ...

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 19 February 2013 | Views [318] | Comments [3]


Wed 13 feb
ACTION & DSTRACTION ...and the trip has only just started.....
1. Julie selected for random drug search at Melbourne aiport (cleared);
2. Julie selected for random body scan at Sydney (passed);
3. Qantas flight SydneySantiago turned back to Christchurch NZ to offload a sick passenger, delaying our arrival by some 5 hours.
4. Both of us offloaded from rescheduled LAN Chile flight Santiago/Buenos Aires because baggage security reckoned there was something 'irregular' in Peter's bag (bag searched twice more before agreeing nothng was amiss.)
5. So ... Bags went on one flight and we went on another, with the result being ... You guessed itit ... We arrived in Buenos Aires minus 3 bags! Julie's was found and delivered to our hotel after a few hours and fortunately the other 3 finally arrived late the next day. To say we were stressed out of our minds is an understatement. If they hadn't been found we would've needed to repurchase ALL Peter's clothes plus camping gear - all in one day - before flying down to Ushuaia.

Thursday, 14 Feb
Woke up early and hit the streets (still worrying about our lost bags). Visited popular spots like La Boca, Puerto Madero, San Telmo - all colourful and interesting in their own way. Afternoon tea was enjoyed at Cafe Tortoni, founded in 1858. Waited in a queue for a half hour to get in to this gracious and historic cafe.
Luckily bags turned up 9pm and Peter was able put on fresh clothes (it's SO hot and humid here). We went to dinner in the oldest suburb of San Telmo, at a great little open air plaza full of other diners and jazz music playing.!
Friday, 15 Feb
Late start this morning after best night's sleep then off again walking, walking, taxi, walking, local bus .... Visited Recoleta Cemetery ('a city within a city') which has the vault of Evita Peron along with many other grand mausoleums. No simple grave stones here! A long walk through the Botanical and Japanese Gardens, along Avenida Santa Fe with lots of shopping, then onto the 64 bus which fortunately took us circuitously back to our hotel front door. Back to rest at the hotel by 6pm and out again for dinner around 9 at Confiteria Ideal which is one of BA's oldest Malongas (dance hall) to see authentic tango dancing together with wonderful singing and musicians. Absolutely fantastic!
BA is certainly a vibrant city running almost 24/7, and its people very proud of their history and culture. Shops trade generally 10-7pm, restaurants come alive around 10pm,
Our hotel is very centrally located near Plaza De Mayo where the President,s Palace and government buildings are, and where the foundation stone for the city is. Needless to say it is also the location for protests of any kind to be held. While there they were recognizing the soldiers killed in the Falklands War 30 years ago.

Saturday 16 Feb
9am flight down to Ushuaia ("il sud del mondo") - and it's bloody cold! But crisp and sunny. What an amazing place, so far from anywhere else, and yet so busy with tourists from every country heading off for Antarctic cruises, trekking etc etc. Full of trendy shops and gourmet restaurants, cafes, ice cream parlours (!). We ate local giant red crab for dinner which was delicious.

Sunday 17 Feb

Boat cruise along Beagle Channel (4 seasons every 15 minutes).  Visited Penguin Island <tens of 1000s of penguins and sealions).  Also visited Penal Colony established in 1902.  


Monday 18 Feb

Three hour trek up to a nearlby glacier, then a four hour drive and walk to Tierra del Fuego National Park.  Empanadas for dinner then early night as we are setting off with our tour group at 6am in the morning.  Tomorrow night camping in the cold ... brrrr..




Hi Julie and Peter
Well what a start to your holiday!!! Sounds like great opening scenes to a movie!!! Poor you!
Glad to read that you are settling into enjoying the tourist role with joyful happy experiences!
Look forward to following your journal with not too much heart stopping drama!
Love to you both xox

  Margot and Ric Feb 19, 2013 6:40 PM


What an adventurous start to your trip:) Your itinerary sounds amazing. I'll be interested in reading more about your journey on the Inca Trail ..... a travel experience I've often thought about doing. In the meantime, Murray and I are very excited about our upcoming trip to Cuba. Let's hope we can get our tourist visas processed on time. Happy and safe travels!

  Pauline Pettinella Feb 21, 2013 6:38 PM


Following you trip with interest.
Seems like your settling down after a challenging start!
Cold there but sweltering here.

Take care

Rob & Heni

  rob & heni Mar 8, 2013 6:58 PM

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