In few days, I managed to discover most of the highlights in Tokyo. During the day, I have to say the city doesn't look anything like during the night. You really get to appreciate the beauty of the parks and nature, architecture and traditional orient places like: Akusaka, Meiji Jingu Shrine, Tsukiji fish market and Odaiba man made island.
First, I will start with the parks. I visited the Imperial Gardens, Hibaya Park and the garden next to Meiji Jingu Shrine. They all seemed very clean and well groomed. I've heard the leaves this fall stayed on for much longer than usual, making the experience of exploring the parks much more pleasant. You could see the vibrant red and yellow colors, somewhat reminding of the New England foliage.
Old ladies were walking their dogs, while older men were exercising. Just a typical scenary in this place full with serenity and order.
As for temples, Akasuka area turned to be fun. The busy street leading to the shrine was full with vendors selling key chains with cat good luch charm to buscuits, etc.
I was also fascinated with people praying to the inscents in front of the temple. You could see all this devotion on their faces.
The Meiji Jingu Shrine had a wedding going on. I just made it before it closed. The security guard was kicking me out, but I managed to capture the beautiful ceremony.
The next amazing experience was the Tsukiji fish market, which I visited at 6 am. While the water and fish juice was all over the floor, I got to see the most bizarre creatures, as well as huge frozen tuna. The most interesting was to observe how the sales guys would cut the fish and take it apart for the sale.
On the more high tech end was my visit to Tokyo tower that elevates above the city. It's few meters higher than the Eiffel tower, for which Japanese are very proud. As this was a Sunday, lines of Japanese families with their little kids were crowding to get on it and show the city from above.
However, most fascinating was Odaiba - a man made island where you can find Toyota design pavilions in Megaweb complex, amazing Fuji TV structure, Rainbow bridge leading to the island, and yes even a Japanese version of the status of liberty (I did laugh when I saw it). It seemed like the whole island was someones fun idea to see what cool structural designs can be added and put it into reality.
Overall, Tokyo definitely impressed me with diversity of things to see and try, from ordering food in restaurant on a computer (it was kind off tough since everything was in Japanese), to warmed up bathroom seats..I just wish I had more time to explore the rest of Japan beyond Tokyo, places like Mt. Fuji and Kamakura temples, etc.