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Western Australia Spent 1 month living in Perth, flew to vibrant Melbourne for 2 weeks, drove to Margaret River and Busselton for 2 weeks with family and roadtrip/camping with a random travelmate from Perth to Exmouth for 2 weeks... Best OZ experience so far!


This was my ride for 2 weeks.  I'm very lucky as my travel companion whom i met a day before we started travelling together, owns the van, built the interior himself and even have a little garden on the dashboard!  Best part, he's a car mechanic!

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 29 April 2009 | Views [298]

This was my ride for 2 weeks. I'm very lucky as my travel companion whom i met a day before we started travelling together, owns the van, built the interior himself and even have a little garden on the dashboard! Best part, he's a car mechanic!

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