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dhirapyuga photo history

About dhirapyuga

Hello, My Name is Dhira Parama Yuga, known as Dhira or sometime as Yuga too. I was born in 1989 at March 18th. Live in Indonesia  and have nationality of Indonesian. I live in small city called Depok, south of Jakarta.

I love photography since 2007. I start using cellphone's camera, start wit capturing flowers. Afterthat my parent bought a pocket camera, i love capturing flower in detail and nature picture or may called Landscape. In about 2009 and 2010 my parent bought me a DSLR camera, and become more serious in photography, i take a trip with friend and family to some place in my country.

My main pupose at the trip is add more and more photos to my collections, mostly Landscape that time and some human interest photos. In 2012, after I'm Graduated from university, I decide to have career in photography, and I take some new experiences to try Model and Fashion Photography by join some workshop and photo competition, once i also joined children and baby Photography. That's all was so interesting. Different experience that I get compare with doing Landscape Photography. No one better or worse, I really love doing Photography.

"Doing something with passion is always interesting" always be said after I did photography.

In future, I would like to become professional photographer and could mentoring junior photographer. Most like to do is capturing as many picture as i can to inspire peoples.

My Lovely and 1st ever gear i have is Canon 1000D. I hope I can upgrade that, if I have money of course. :)