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Spiti Valley High

My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited - Spiti Valley

India | Saturday, January 12, 2013 | 5 photos

Photography is at once an intensely personal and an immensely public medium.It implores you to not just look at the world,but observe,while at the same time forcing you to look within and examine yourself critically.The final product is as much the baring of your soul as it is the exposition of a person,place,animal or thing.

Good photography is when science and art beautifully merge into one.I believe I am at the ideal stage of my learning curve where I can benefit the most from this scholarship.A good grasp of the technical aspects,and a quick eye for good images should not compensate for a quick mind to take good photographs.A photograph has to go beyond a good image.It has more to do with pre-thinking a shot than post-processing it.Assisting a pro like Jason,with fixed briefs and deadlines is just the boost I need to make this transition from amateur enthusiast to pro.

Pursuing a career in diplomacy,I love exploring different cultures and revel in the common thread of humanity that runs through us all.We may be more diverse than we could possibly imagine,and yet we are more alike than we think.This unity in diversity is what I want my photographs to showcase.

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