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Seeing the world and how it ticks

Catching 40 winks. This crew member learned quickly to be an oppurtunistic sleeper. Watches rotated in 4 hour cycles on board, meaning that you worked from (for example) 4-8 o'clock each morning and afternoon. Trying to sleep in the intervening hours, with the ship pitching and rolling, was almost an artform. So every nap counted.

IRELAND | Thursday, 10 January 2013 | Views [3332] | View Smaller Image

Catching 40 winks. This crew member learned quickly to be an oppurtunistic sleeper. Watches rotated in 4 hour cycles on board, meaning that you worked from (for example) 4-8 o'clock each morning and afternoon. Trying to sleep in the intervening hours, with the ship pitching and rolling, was almost an artform. So every nap counted.


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