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My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

Australia | Sunday, January 13, 2013 | 5 photos

A compulsory month long school camp in 2008 without technology (except a camera) triggered my photography passion. I have an adventurous spirit like most other 20 year olds. My name is Declan and I live on the Sunshine Coast.
My aim is to capture that adventurous spirit. My photographic interests are quite diverse from storm chasing, sport photography, people shots and walking kilometres to discover what’s over that next hill. Staying awake all night to capture an eclipse, for me, that's an adventure. After trying various jobs, I still come back to my camera each day. It rarely leaves my hip.
I am encouraged to make photography my life, when I see the way my images make people feel. An opportunity to visit Oman and be mentored by Jason Edwards would develop my “daily adventures” through a lens. Like many Aussies, I am surrounded by technology which allows many people to follow me on my journey. Give me the smell of a campfire, some stars to sleep under and a camera and I will be off on my next assignment.
Declan Passlow

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Now I'm awake.  A perfect way to start the day at Mooloolaba Beach

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