About debbieprince
I am on an adventure trekking in Nepal. This is for my 55th birthday. I decided, once I hit 50 that I would do a major trip every 5 years. This trip was chosen completely random. I flipped a coin. Heads it would be hiking, tails it would be biking. I got tails. Heads it would be in my country, tails it would be in another country. I got tails so I drew a country out of a hat and it turned out to be Nepal!.
This whole idea came out about when I realized that I was just sitting around talking about adventures I had 20 years ago. So I decided that every 5 years I would take a trip after my own hear, until I couldn't anymore. For my 50th I drew 2 states out of a hat and bicycled from St. George Utah to Albequerque, New Mexico.
I have traveled with my boyfriend and he is open to adventure and a lot of fun, but let's get real. To ask someone to walk for 6 hours a day, or to ride a bike 50 miles a day, well, it's not for everyone and I get that. It takes someone a little different, a little touched, to do this. But to me, the encounters you meet with people, how good a simple bed feels at the end of a long day. Those are just priceless. So, I'm starting this blog and I hope that I won't bore you.
In my normal life I am a Physical Therapist Assistant. I work with older people in nursing homes and in their own homes. They are some of the most interesting people I know and I love my job. Most days. I also am a novelist and have written 2 novels available on Amazon. One is called "Choose your victim: your first murder is free" about what if there was a law where you could kill 1 person. Would you do it. The other one is about a nanny in Japan who gets kidnapped-it's called Skye's Escape. I have a third one about a lady that runs from her home in LA area to a farm in Michigan and her trouble follows her. I may just call it Adeline's Escape. Hmm, seems to be a theme here. I'll definately be gathering story ideas in Nepal.
Thanks for sticking to the end,
Debbie Prince