The day today started of normally, we arrived to school by motor cycle taxi, signed in and started the 4 story climb up to the staff room. On the way up the morning assembly started and the Thai national anthem started to be sung. When the national anthem is played, you are suppose to stop walking and stop still till it is over. As we stopped we faced down towards where the assembly was and that is when I realised that today was the last day at school. It felt good in a way, as now begins the adventure of our Thai travels. But I knew it was going to be hard to say goodbye to the Thai teachers.
One of my students came into the staffroom and handed us a red rose, which was cute! She then asked us to teach her class one last time; so off we went to M.1/5 (year 7) and had some laughs teaching them the Macarena. At the end of the lesson we were farewelled with happy smiling Thai faces, and one of the boy students gave me his wristband...awwww
Today at lunch we learnt how to make Thai Raw Mango Salad, which was actually quite nice. Then the time of day came to get our stuff together and say a final goodbye. If you know me, you know I can get all emotional when it comes to goodbyes....Im hopeless! We all stood at the entrance to the staffroom saying a million Thank you's and Goodbyes, and I was doing really well, till the teacher who has done so much for me grabbed my hand and said goodbye. After that I was a gonner so it was a quick exit out of there and a reach for the sunnies!!!
Goodbye Nawamin, I'll miss you.
Off to Chiang Mai Friday....excited about going up to the North of Thailand.