So..I think people thought the last blog was it but im sitting at the airport with butterflies about leaving and about coming I had to write one last journal!
"Mzungu, how are you" are the four words ive heard the most over these past six weeks. Mzungu basicallyeans white person and I definitely stood out amongst the crowd. After all these weeks hearing those words...I finally have an answer: I am very, very happy. This trip has taught me priceless lessons about people and the world and I am incredibly grateful that I had this experience. The day I got here I wanted to leave...I wasad at myself for thinking I could handle this trip and I wasnt far from phoning home to book an earlier flight because I didnt have faith I could last six weeks. I have three people to thank for calming me down: my father and two of my dearest friends. I didnt confess my fears about Kenya to my dad until fathers day but even without telling him those first days here...I knew he believed in me more than anyone else. So daddy, if youre reading this... you should know Im crying as I write this because I cant thank you enough for teaching me patience and perseverence. You and mom have raised Jake Em and I to be compassionate people and I knew I could stay on Africa and have this experience because you wouldnt have let me go if you didnt think I was capable. As for the rest of my family and friends...I cant thank you enough for your unconditional love and support. The atudents I fell in love with here dont have the blessing of such an incredible support system and it was because of the love from home that I was able to be here with them. There are so many things I could say about my trip but words dont do my emotions justice. I just know I have never been filled with so much love and joy because I have found another home in Kenya. I know I will be back because this country has shown me nothing but warmth and could I not come back?!
My uncle billy taught me when I was only 7 that it is never is always "see you later". this incredibly beautiful country...I say see you later. Nakupenda sana Kenya. Asanti sana...for all the blessings you have brought to my life.
"Dont ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." -Howard Thurman