Sunday last I woke up and unexpectedly the weather wasn't half as bad as the forecasts had predicted. So I decided to better seize the day and did what I had had in mind since coming to Vancouver - going to one of these thrilling suspension bridges they have over here, straight crossing some deep wild and white water streams and waterfalls.
Near Vancouver, you've got the choice between either the Capilano Suspension Bridge or the Lynn Valley Bridge. First one's larger and the altitude's higher - that's on the positive side, as well as the fact they've got a cliffwalk there, with partial glass floor. Negative thing is, though, it costs 29 c$ per person.
The Lynn Valley is free, which is why I decided to give that one a try first and save Capilano for summer.
Having made my mind I got onto the seabus down at Waterfront station, which took me over to the Lonsdale Quay bus loop. Over there I hopped on the #229 running straight up (literally up, that bus was having a hard time up the hill ;))to the entrance of the park. Bad luck for me, I didn't know that beforehand so upon discovering the first sign with "Lynn Valley" on it, I hopped off the bus. Turned out I had seen the sign of the Lynn Valley Centre - a shopping mall. Still in the hope of finding the suspension bridge within walking distance I strolled round a bit, ending up right where I had started, at the bus stop. I asked a man which direction I'd have to walk. He laughed, waved his hands and said: Ah, man, it's down there, but that's about a mile further on the road. You can walk, but that's quite a way, ya know?"
As I wanted to save my time for the park I decided to hop on the #229 again for some more stations. After half an hour at the bus stop, watching cars and shoppers, the next bus came and took me to the park entrance.
There I met some nice Australian dude and a girl from Singapore, both had just arrived in Vancouver several days ago and were as eager to explore outdoors as I was. We decided to just do the tour through the park together as this promised more fun.
The supension bridge alone is amazing, as it's really quite shaky and high above the ground. They say, every year some people lose their lives jumping head over heels from the bridge into the wildwater below.
After crossing the bridge, we strolled through the park for almost two hours, completely stunned by the breathtaking scenery. I have hardly ever seen such a beautiful spot of nature before, true thing!
We really had a lot of fun searching our own way through the undergrowth and besides the river. This planless strolling around ended in us having to jump over some fence in order to get back on trail. Anyway, we jumped over some warnsigns as well ... but what happened in Lynn Valley stays in Lynn Valley ;)
To put it in a nutshell I had a perfect day and can highly recommend this park to everyone!