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Trans Siberian Onwards


There are [0] photos and [3] stories tagged with "beijing".

The wheels are rolling to Mongolia

CHINA | Wednesday, 10 Sep 2014 | Views [533]

We've passed through fifty four tunnels on the way out of Beijing.  Rumour has it that we will psas through over sixty in total before we are out into open country.    The sky is blue, with only a hint of grey-ish smog overhead. ... Read more >

Tags: beijing, china, hebei, train, trans-mongolian

Wandering the Hutongs

CHINA | Tuesday, 9 Sep 2014 | Views [520]

As with Shanghai, this was not my first time in Beijing, and I have already seen the main sights.  I decided to spend the first day wandering the old lanes and back alleys, known as "hutongs", to get a feel for the ancient fabric of this historic ... Read more >

Tags: beijing, china, hutongs, ticket

It starts tomorrow

CHINA | Tuesday, 9 Sep 2014 | Views [481]

11:22.  The departure from Beijing.  Train K3.  847 miles.  Twenty Eight hours.  The real adventure begins.  Through the great wall, into inner mongolia, the Gobi desert and across the border into Mongolia, over the vast ... Read more >

Tags: beijing, china, mongolia, train, trans-mongolia trans-siberian, ub, ulan bator

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