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Budding & The Doctor As we potter off around the globe for 6 months we thought some of you might like to keep tabs on us to a) check we're still alive and b) shout "jammy bastards" at the screen repeatedly. Please feel free to do both

New Zealand - The South Island

NEW ZEALAND | Monday, 31 Mar 2008 | Views [589]

We touched down in Christchurch feeling pretty excited about the next six weeks. From the very conception of this trip, NZ had been a destination we had high hopes for. The weather in the largest city on the South Island was a small slice of home with ... Read more >


WORLDWIDE | Monday, 31 Mar 2008 | Views [481]

Thought some people might like some pictures to go with these tall tales. The links are to albums that I've posted on facebook and cover everything from Thailand to our latest spot of fun on the south island in New Zealand. Might get round to writing ... Read more >

Oz - Brisbane to Sydney

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 2 Mar 2008 | Views [617]

It's amazing how much you can fit into 6 weeks and we reached Brisvegas feeling like we'd dutifully bent over and taken everything that the east coast could throw at us. However, with the spectacular beaches of new south wales beckoning, it was time ... Read more >

Tags: Beaches & sunshine

Oz - Cairns to Brisbane

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 25 Feb 2008 | Views [1350]

Having roughed it in our second hand tent for a couple of weeks we decided that there were far too many spiders/snake/crocs up in queensland to be lying out in the bush under a tea towel supported by a couple of twigs. Instead, we settled for some good ... Read more >

Tags: Misadventures

Sydney to Melbourne, The Great Ocean Road & Tassie!

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 11 Feb 2008 | Views [1510]

Having had our fill of sydney and its surrounds we decided to plough a furrow south in search of some good weather, big surf and plenty of alcohol.   We'd acquired ourselves a bargain tent in the blue mountains from some unsuspecting germans - $40 ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Oz - Sydney & The Blue Mountains

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 29 Jan 2008 | Views [678]

Right, second blog entry in a row. This is turning into a big job. We arrived in sydney days before new years eve and met a couple of friends from home, sam and hannah, who had kindly agreed to suffer us for as long we were cheeky enough to hang around.... Read more >

Tags: Beaches & sunshine

Malaysia - Sarawak & The Peninsular

MALAYSIA | Tuesday, 29 Jan 2008 | Views [673]

After some serious pressure being exerted on me to get the blog up to date (mostly from erica's immediate and extended family to be honest) i've taken it upon myself to bring the damned thing right up to date. prepare yourselves for three thrilling(ish) ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

Malaysia - Sabah

MALAYSIA | Sunday, 6 Jan 2008 | Views [1637]

We jetted into kl with the ever reliable airasia (like easyjet but more reliable, cleaner and not run by a greek) and immediately bounced over to kota kinabalu. We had a mountain to climb. Mount Kinabalu stands 4095m tall in the middle of Kinabalu National ... Read more >

Tags: The Great Outdoors

Thailand - The South

THAILAND | Saturday, 15 Dec 2007 | Views [626]

Our trip to the south began with a gruelling two day journey by train and bus from chaing mai in the north, down to koh tao. the only highlight being the chance to see england disgrace themselves on the way out of the qualifiers at 4am in some dodgy cafe ... Read more >

Tags: Beaches & sunshine

Thailand - Bangkok and The North

THAILAND | Wednesday, 12 Dec 2007 | Views [538]

some might say i've been a little lazy in updating the blog, having left thailand all of a week ago and with three and a half week of merriment still undocumented. i say, balls to them. i have now howeve managed to find a gap in my busy schedule to ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


CAMBODIA | Wednesday, 21 Nov 2007 | Views [537]

After chasing down the bus on our hastily commandeered moped we crusied through the cambodian country side towards phnom penh. We'd heard that cambodia was the third poorest country in the world. True or not, it was soon pretty obvious that vietnam was ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

Gallery: Hong Kong, Vietnam & Cambodia

WORLDWIDE | Tuesday, 13 Nov 2007 | Photo Gallery

The Dream
See all 21 photos >>

Back in 'Nam

VIETNAM | Friday, 9 Nov 2007 | Views [664] | Comments [1]

So. The relative comforts of hong kong out the way, we packed up and jumped on a short flight to ho chi minh city (saigon to all us veterans). to say we were uncertain of what to expect would be an understatement. On arrival the first thing that sprung ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Hong Kong for starters...

HONG KONG | Thursday, 1 Nov 2007 | Views [661]

So we've finally arrived somewhere that isn't in the uk (previous destinations of note being po na na in bristol and reigate). Hong Kong is - quite frankly - odd. Think high rise, new york style skyscraper, neighboured by ghetto style, flea ridden ... Read more >

Tags: Shopping

Leaving Party

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 24 Oct 2007 | Views [550]

Not officially the start of travelling but definitely a fitting end to our current stint in brizzle. After sourcing a 159" projector  for our flat to accomodate the inconvenience of england getting to the world cup final (a token gesture at best ... Read more >

Tags: Party time

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