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And they're off..... Who's up for a little trip....

And the first tour begins

THAILAND | Sunday, 28 June 2009 | Views [283]

After an early 5am start Dan, I, the tour leader Imbi (or Mim for short) and 12 other travelers where off.. Destination – Siam Riep, Cambodia. Of the 15 in the group, there are only 3 men, so Dan is feeling a little out numbered.. Its a young group and a great mix; We are the only couple, there are a few other Aussies, a Canadian, a couple of Poms and some lovely Scottish girls.. After a 45 min tuk tuk ride, 5 hour public bus, 3hr boarder crossing and another 3.5hr bus journey we arrived... As soon as we had crossed the boarder the difference between Thailand and Cambodia hit us instantly. It is truly a third world country where poverty, corruption and child abuse is still prominent. Cambodia is still recovering from the Khmer Rouge Regime and Vietnam War with an average age of only 25 years! Unfortunately, instead of being hassled by salesmen, here we are hassled by children who beg for money or for you to buy something from them. It is heartbreaking however we have been told not to give them money or buy their thing as this will keep them on the streets.. its depressing! After checking into the hotel we sampled our first Cambodian dinner.. We were amazed at the restaurant – the food was delicious and including an entree, 2 large mains and 6 beers a total of $12! We are going to struggle when we get to Europe LOL! Tomorrow we are off to watch the sun rise over Angkor Wat, a 4am start!!!



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