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My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

Australia | Sunday, January 13, 2013 | 4 photos

In 2008 I was bitten by a close relative of the travel bug on a two week adventure to Japan. I say close relative because while it inspired a passionate affair with seeing the world, both abroad and at home in Australia, it went a step further and inspired an even more secretive and extensively more passionate drive to properly SEE the world. A different perspective of the small intricacies that drive life around the planet, both social and natural, shattered my naïve view of both myself and everything around me.
This is why I love photography, because the moments one can capture may never be repeated, may say tenfold more then what they were intended and can express not just a thousand words but an entire culture, or even a single life. Photography to me is about just that, documenting moments that explore the world.
I have a life time of exploration and learning ahead of me. As a photographer however I would like to develop to the point where attention to the most minute details becomes second nature. I feel today that my images could be more and will be as I develop this skill. I am very eager to see the results. Thank you for any consideration you give to my application.

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