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Craig's Experience in Wales A personal documentation of my journey as an exchange student in Great Britain

God is providing!

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 1 February 2007 | Views [918] | Comments [7]

Have I been here 8 days or 8 months? Within the span of one week and one day, I have witnessed God move in remarkable ways. It is amazing to think that God had my whole experience planned out for me even before I got here. The people I’m meeting, places I’m seeing and feelings I’m feeling were all known to Him even before I got on the plane. To be in Wales, living out his will, is so incredibly humbling. Who am I but a 20-year-old, 165-pound Ohioan who has only grown one inch since his eighth-grade physical? But this is the amazing part: to God we are so much more than what our eyes gaze upon in the mirror. Amidst all of creation’s endless oceans and engulfing mountains He considers us most important. It’s remarkable to think that He has a perfect plan for each and every person on this planet. As I look out upon breath taking views of Wales (feel free to check out all my photos), I think to myself “what could be more beautiful than this?” I am immediately humbled and mystified when I think of God’s answer: “You. Amidst all the beauty and vastness of my creation, I care most about you.” For as it is written in Psalms 139:17-18, “How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand…” I don’t know about you, but to me there is no other God I would rather serve. So how have I witnessed God move in remarkable ways? Well, this past Thursday (1/25) I had the idea to check out some of the bays around Swansea. I was told that an area called Mumbles had some incredible views and was an easy bus ride away. So, without out knowledge of the area, I decided that my first exploration would be in Mumbles. It’s all very ironic and humorous to me because the word “Mumbles” has been on my mind for quite some time. You see, over winter break my sister Marie and I went to see the movie Happy Feet (which I recommend to anybody and everybody). There is a penguin called Mumbles in the movie, and for one reason or another I developed an infatuation for the cute little thing. But that’s beside the point. So anyway, I hopped the bus and made my way to a town in the Mumbles area called Oystermouth. I got off the bus and was immediately confronted with a street full of unique little shops. Fresh veggie and fruit stand here, bakery shop there… and what’s that? Oh yeah, that’s right. Exactly what my little eyes had craved to see in person for so long. A castle. Atop a hill just in front of me was a piece of architecture that I only dreamed about viewing. “Does anybody else see this?” I pondered to myself. I felt as though it was just a mirage because nobody else around me was staring in that direction with a dropped jaw. It was like I was the toddler in Toys R Us and they were the parents who had to drag me along. Didn’t they realize what was surrounding them? After taking gawking and taking a couple pictures, I decided to head down to the bays and start exploring. After walking 15 minutes on the Mumbles Pier, I found this neat looking restaurant overlooking the water. I saw a sign that said “Ice Cream” and immediately had one of those “ooooooo” type feeling inside. I figured that meant that I was supposed to get some. So I did. I got a vanilla cone and let me tell you: it was like licking a cloud in heaven. Unlike ice cream at home, this stuff seemed more rich and real. So once done with that I headed up some steps and rounded a corner. Within a few seconds I was confronted with a sight that I am soon to see more of: blue water, perfectly cut crags, sparkling white/gray/black rocks and gorgeous sand. Bracelet Bay. Hello, beautiful. I explored the area for a while took pictures and was just filled with sheer happiness. After soaking it in, I decided it was time to walk elsewhere and just see what I could find. And little did I realize what I would find. After getting back to the road overlooking the bay, I spotted a couple that was taking a break from riding their bikes. I spotted an overlooking cliff nearby and was curious if people were aloud to get to its top. I asked this couple my question as we got into a nice, brief conversation. I believe I was too mesmerized by the scenery to significantly notice any of the couple’s physical features. So, after about a minute we said bye and we both went on our way. Fast forward (not really too fast) to the next day. It was Friday night and I was in Swansea’s City Centre just doing some walking and exploring of the area. As I was walking back to the bus station, I noticed a large green sign in front of me. I couldn’t miss it. It read: “JESUS IS THE KIND OF THE UNIVERSE. IS HE YOUR KING?” There was a verse underneath but I can’t remember which one it was. I stopped in my tracks and examined the building behind the sign. “Hmm…that’s really effective,” I thought to myself as I walked to the front of the building. I glanced to my left and saw another sign; “Mount Pleasant Baptist Church Sunday Services 11 a.m. and 6 p.m.” I thought to myself again. “Hmm… I may as well check it out. Couldn’t hurt to just see what a service is like. And the name “Pleasant” is kinda attractive” So I decided my hunt for a church home would begin at Mount Pleasant. As Saturday night rolled around, I decided that a night service on Sunday would be best. I figured that I’d be doing myself a favor by sleeping in and resting my body. So as Sunday night rolls around I head over to the City Centre area to get to service. My “be early to meet people” mentality went a little overboard and I got to the service more than 45 minutes in advance. As soon as I opened the door to the church, I was confronted with a strange predicament. “Excuse me, but do I know you? You look familiar..” I turned around and was confronted with the man asking the question and a woman. To be honest, I don’t know if I even responded to him. But he responded to me. “Yeah… we ran into you when we were riding our bikes at Mumbles on Thursday.” It took me a few seconds to process what was going on. Then it clicked. They were the couple that I asked a question to at Bracelet Bay. Unlike myself, it appeared as though this man was more observable of physical features during our brief exchange at the bay. Once everything processed in my mind, I was left with a feeling of “I can’t believe this”. The man’s name is Jaime and his wife’s name is Laura. Before the church service, Jaime and I talked for a while about the church and also life in general. In a way, it felt as though we’d picked up where we left off. But the thing was… we never had anywhere to leave off. It was our first conversation and it seemed as though I’d known the guy for a long time. I asked him about the doctrine of the church and what it was about. Inside my head I was waiting to hear just one word. Nearly immediately the word was spoken—evangelism—and I had a wonderful feeling that I’d found a church home. The service was awesome. I had never heard the praise songs that were sung (except Amazing Grace), and they all sounded wonderful and had great lyrics. The first guy that came up to speak read a passage that has been a favorite of mine since being a Christian. It was from Jeremiah 29:11-13. Once again, my jaw was in the dropped position and I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. It was as though God was speaking to me directly. It was as though he was telling me, “Craig… continue seeking me with everything you have and all else will fall in to place. Don’t worry about anything.” In the entire room, as far as I knew, I was the only American. As far as I knew, I was the only one who didn’t have a British accent of any kind. “This is so awesome,” I kept thinking as everything was going on. “I’m in Wales…. in a church….and people are praying with a British accent.” It was like I was being handed this birthday present that I’ve waited my whole life to receive. For me, those initial moments in my first Welsh church service were a dream come true. After the service, Jaime was incredibly kind enough to take me to SPAR (a local grocery shop) to pick up some food items to tie me over a couple days (baked beans and pasta). He then took me back to my flat and I figured I’d see him very soon. Late Monday night rolled around. I received a text and was pleased to see that it was Jaime. He was asking me if I wanted to have dinner at his place on Wednesday and then go to a Prayer Meeting at the church. Of course I said I’d love to and was really looking forward to it. It was ironic because earlier in the day I had a feeling that I was going to see Jaime very soon. So, as I sit here and write this it is now late Wednesday night. Dinner at Jaime and Laura’s place was awesome—it was lasagna, potatoes and veggies. Over here there is this drink called “squash”. Luckily I didn’t pour a whole glass like I was about to. The drink is strong concentrate that you put a little into a glass and then pour the rest of the glass with water or lemonade or whatever. Everything at the table was incredible and I was so thankful to be there. I couldn’t believe that only one week and a day into my trip I was eating dinner at someone’s house. Here I am, still getting over the effects of jet lag. My mind hasn’t completely adjusted to being here and I haven’t even had all my classes yet. Despite that, I have already been blessed in two incredibly encouraging ways: through finding a church to go to and get involved with, and through already establishing friendships with Godly men. At the church’s prayer meeting, I met some more people and discovered incredible opportunity that’s available. For instance, there are Bible classes offered that go deep into the Word. I will most definitely be at those. Oh, and another interesting thing that happened. After the Prayer Meeting, it was announced that there would be hot chocolate and toast. I thought toast meant like cookies or something of the sort. Nope. What they meant was real toast—like the breakfast item. I kid you not; they brought out the world’s largest serving of toast. How did they know one of my weaknesses? That’s right, people. Along with my strange infatuation for animated penguins, I also have a keen obsession and deep love for toast. I felt it was a tad strange when a lady asked me if I wanted chocolate. “Yeah, sure,” I said, not knowing what in the world chocolate had to do with toasted buttered bread. Then she held up a knife and I realized she meant the Nutella chocolate spread that you can put on toast. Golden…. sweet mother of all that is right with toast…. Nutella on top of buttered toast is incredible. Try it. Trust me. Friends, let me tell you. God answers prayer. He listens to us and He provides for us. I asked the Lord before my trip to set aside at least one person in Wales that I could talk to about my faith. It didn’t take me long to realize that God was listening to this prayer. It is absolutely amazing how God takes all the ordinary details of life and uses them to work in extraordinary ways. I am leaving for Amsterdam tomorrow night and will be back Sunday night. I’m real excited to actually go to Holland and see what it’s like over there. Oh, and next Wednesday Switchfoot is going to be in Swansea. I bought a ticket today and am going with a group of people I met here… it should be a really great time. When I saw the poster for the concert, I had to remind myself that I’m in Wales. I have never seen Switchfoot in America but I’m seeing them in a city in Wales. Awesome. God Bless, everyone!!! Till next time, Philippians 1:3, Craig

Tags: People




We're enjoying the detailed letters of your experiences. May you continue to sense God's presence and affirmation as you remain steadfast in your pursuit of Him.

Larry & Ruth

  Larry and Ruth Sapp Feb 2, 2007 5:34 AM


Hey Craig! You've got us all jealous by now, as you may have heard from Marie. You deserve everything that's coming to you Craig. Good things happen to good people. Know that we all miss you deeply here, but we all wish you the best of times in Swansea! You've got my number if you ever need to speak to someone with an equally charming midwestern accent. God be with you brother, carpe diem.

  Greg Silverman Feb 2, 2007 7:52 AM



I can't believe how God's working in your life and everything that you're experiencing in Wales. I'm so happy that you get to be there and experience what you are. Let me tell you, I'm having adventures in Athens, like little trips each morning to Court Street, and somehow I don't think it compares. Thanks for keeping us posted and telling us how God's working in your life. Live it, love it.

  Stephen Szuter Feb 2, 2007 12:04 PM


Hi. Not to be a copycat of everyone else commenting on your blogs, but I like reading them. You are so good at describing. I had no idea.
Oh, and I laughed out loud when reading about your Nutella experience. Rachael introduced me to the chocolaty goodness this year, and we ALWAYS have to have some in our cupboard. "Sweet mother of all that is right with toast..." HA!
Can't wait to hear more. Thinking about and praying for you...

  Sadie Roth Feb 3, 2007 6:31 AM



For you and your readers, Nutella can be purchased online at www.nutellausa.com or you can buy it by the case at http://www.buythecase.net/brand/Nutella/?engine=adwords!4455&keyword=%28nutella%29&match_type=&gclid=CLGQleCWk4oCFSZhIgod61VagA. On your recommendation, I have taken out a second mortgage on our house and purchased a lifetime supply of the "Sweet Mother" Nutella.


  Alan Wolf Feb 4, 2007 8:56 AM



I am so excited for all of the amazing things the Lord is doing in your life right now! I am loving your blogs; you write just like you talk, and I feel like your in the room telling me about your adventures! I hope all continues to go well and that God will continue to bless you on your trip!

Miss you and can't wait to see your smiling face,


  Meredith McIntosh Feb 7, 2007 7:29 AM


I love reading what God is doing in your life right now! It's amazing to hear stories of what God is doing in the rest of the world. I pray that you continue to enjoy your time in England...I'm jealous!


  Corey Wilson Feb 7, 2007 10:11 AM



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