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news from bali

INDONESIA | Saturday, 22 March 2008 | Views [514]

daily offerings - the balinese put them in front of houses, shops, even on motor bikes!

daily offerings - the balinese put them in front of houses, shops, even on motor bikes!

hello everyone!
so now that i've been in ubud for a full two weeks, i thought it was time for an update, as i'm sure most of you are wondering what exactly i spend all my time doing up here in this small town right in the heart center of bali. so here is what my bali life is like...
my days are very slow and easy, but not empty for sure. i realized sometime last week that i reminded myself very much of yeh yeh (my grandpa) cuz my daily activities are really that of a retired old man.. i wake up early to the sound of what seems like a thousand birds outside my window, really quite nice. then i make my way to the porch, where they bring me a delicious breakfast of banana pancakes (more like crepes), fresh fruit, and tea. after that, i go for a walk around ubud, visiting all my local friends in their shops and stores. i really have met quite a few people.. besides my friends at my hotel, wayan, wayan and nyoman (i will explain the name thing later), there is also meina, the young girl who works in the clothing shop. there is ranti who owns two little storefronts selling all kinds of things from clothing to beautiful hand made souvenirs and more. there is yanik, who works in the shop that sells beautiful carved coconuts. there is putu, the young guy from the north shore who started a little travel shop down here in ubud. and his sister yuli and their friends goker, a balinese local, and ana, an australian girl. then there are my friends at the internet cafe, agung, agung, and wayan. and so many more on the streets whose names i dont know, but faces i do. we all say our hellos each day. so really, if i make ALL the rounds, i visit about 15-20 people. if i just make a little loop, maybe less than 10. and that is how my day normally starts.
after all that, i usually take my afternoons by the pool at the fancy hotel next door. of course, i have more friends there... komang - who gives the best balinese massages and healed my ankle! =) abud, whose my age and really funny. and didux, who works in the restaurant as a waiter and has the straightest posture ive ever seen. he could be a balinese prince in ancient times! also, i've met some of the guests there: erik, my belgian friend, who sadly just went home after 3 weeks here. and sarah and ed, two american hippies from west virginia. so i visit with all of them and soak up the sun during this hottest part of the day and go for a swim. then i have something to eat, all the food is soo delicious and they really have everything from balinese to italian! and normally its early to bed and then the whole thing starts over. which is why i say im like a retired old man. and even more so cuz my friends sometimes ask about my family and life back in the states and then i take out my pictures and show off all of you guys! that is when i really know im like a grandfather. =)
quickly - some more highlights..
to send erik off, we all went to a restaurant run by a belgian guy and had some really delicious belgian food. (you may remember that i'm a HUGE fan of belgian food from my past travel emails). beef stew over french fries! seems funny in bali, but it was sooo good.
putu, ana, yuli and goker invited me to this full moon ceremony up at the holy springs temple about 30 min outside ubud last night. the temple is very famous because of the holy water springs that originate there. how to explain - there are 3 pools into which about 20 fountains flow from an ancient stone wall. during this ceremony, the people get in the waist-deep water, fully clothed in sarongs, pray to each fountain and then wash themselves in each one sequentially to purify the soul. it is for general cleansing, but also there is a special fountain for eliminating bad dreams and another for protection from black magic, which they believe very strongly in here. we all got in the pools and performed the ceremony, at about 9:30 at night and even though it was raining and freezing cold. but truly, it was one of the most amazing things i've done in all my travels. all i could think during it was - THIS is what i came to bali for! and i really did feel lighter today.. (and totally better after being sick for the last 3 days - the stomach bug definitely got me! but i treated myself with the pharmacy in my backpack and now i'm fine. bound to happen: my initiation into the third world.)
anyways... there are so many more little stories and anecdotes, but i thought i'd just give a big picture of what my life here is like and then just a few little things. its so long already, i think i'll wait til next time to explain the names. i have another week in ubud or so before i go on to see more of the island. then back to ubud before i leave bali for good. but its all rather loose still, so we'll see...
hope things are amazing at home! miss you all every day. but i have my pictures so its ok. ;)
much love,


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