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my life's dream

My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

Italy | Saturday, January 12, 2013 | 5 photos

Hi there. I am entering this contest knowing that my chance of winning is slim to none. There are many people out there that have much more talent than I. People that pursue photography on the idea of creating a profession out of it. I agree that that is a wonderful job to have. Unfortunately, my bitter realist side of my personality and my bills never let me pursue my dreams. I did attend college to study art, I never completed my education and got a degree. I am a complete amateur photographer that takes pictures with my phone and an old Nikon camera.
However, I had told a friend of mine about this contest and how I was thinking about entering. He assured me that I probably wouldn't win, and looked at me like I was a complete dolt for even dreaming of entering.This is the reason I decided to take part in the contest. I am sick of being realistic with my aspirations. I want to try to bring my artwork back into my life, and hopefully into the lives of others.
These are some shots I took when I was backpacking through Europe this past October. I hope you enjoy my photos. Thank you for taking my entry into consideration.

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