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Not from Guadalajara, Mexico?

MEXICO | Monday, 22 February 2016 | Views [440]

For those not from Guadalajara:

1: The cross walk in the middle of the streets does not mean pedestrains have the right of way. Cars always have the right of way, and they will hit you if you are in their way. In fact, think of the cross walk in Guadalajara as a reason to run really fast! Look both ways and run for dear life. Jaywalking happens all the time, everywhere. These lines aren't particularly useful. 

2: The elevators may not be a comfortable size for you and say a family of 6, but to those from Guadalajara you can all fit. No problem, squeeze. For any norteamericanos elevator size fits a comfortable 2 people...awkwardly. It's an interesting squeeze. I'm uncomfortable just by myself...

3: Learn to read the street lights. The red and green are horizontal, and especially learn the white running man. If the white running man is running after the 15 second countdown. You run, run like a zombie is chasing you! Cars are always right. Refer to cross walk actions. 

4: The Public Bus will scare you to death. Buses drive at least 40mph everywhere. They stop whereever they please. They pick up wherever they please. They argue and fight with other cars and humans very honestly and vocally. Believe it or not you are safer when you are actually on the bus. But you'll feel like you may witness a hit and run. I know New Yorkers think they know this, no. You don't know. This is crazy New York bus drivers x50. There's bumper to bumper trafic and the bus is going 30. It's a miracle. They may drop you off in the middle of a hwy at night (true story). They will play chicken with other cars, because why the fuck not at this point?! People exit and enter the bus before it has even fully stopped. It's anarchy. It's brilliant. The drivers are nice and even other riders will help you out. It's a necessary experience. Just don't walk close to one. Btw, taxis are a little bit better. Only when they are looking for fare, because they aren't speeding. 

5: Sometimes (all the time) car ettiqute is different. Seat belts aren't worn and there are no "real" lanes, just guidelines on where you may want to drive. Get use to it. People straddle lanes all the time. Chicken, is in fact how everyone drives in Guadalajara. All that said, I've yet to witness an accident. 

6: Yes you have to pay for some restrooms. It's 3 pesos, which isn't even anything to a US Dollar. Pay it and take their damn napkin.

7:When they tell you a maze or labrinthe, don't think it's a garden. It's a market place. When they tell you it's a park, it's a few statues on a pathway with some trees. 

8: Whatever you are use to ordering in the states and order in Guadalajara (taquitos, toques, etc) they aren't the same here. It looks like a different meal entirely. Sorry. Still good though. Eat it. YUM.

9: You're better off always using spanish. Unless they ask if you speak english. SPEAK SPANISH. COMPRENDE?!?!

10: There's all this noise about Mexican water. Don't drink cups of it, fool. But please take a shower, wash your hair, swim in their pools, rinse whatever you need to with the tap. If you happen to get a weezy stomach, gas, or maybe even the runs it's because you don't eat enough Chineese food. Eat more Chineese food so your stomach is stronger and can handle the awesome food and drinks. Your stomach should gurgle, fart some, and that's it. 

11: The train system is weird. I know. I got lost trying to take one train. Which I did. Until it stopped and I had to get off it. Walk up two levels and go across an underground bridge to get on that same train to continue the line....idk. Ask somebody. And go when it's crowded, which seems like all the time because no one wants to be on the crazy ass bus :/ They only except exact change, and it looks super sketch going down into the tunnels until you get there and there are about 5 guadala Robo cops walking around. 

12: Guadalajara is dusty. They are gettting shit done! Building stuff. Taking stuff down. Moving stuff. I really don't know what all is going on, but with the golden dirt mountains, and the construction, and possibly the traffic there's a layer of land that will always get on your clothes, your shoes, and your hair. It's a stamp of approval. If you have allergies. Take a pill. Go to the farmacia. In a few days you'll think how clear the city looks even though your eyes squint. What's that saying? Think global, feel local. 

Guadalajara, Mexico is a city that is packed with so many people it's amazing. Anything you can imagine is in this city and more. What amazes me the most about this city is it's unique expansion around the central area. Millions of people live here and so the suburbs are packed with many more people. The city is filled with so many different scenes that I expect everyone to find their "thing" out here. Guadalajara is home to the largest film industry in Mexico, which is the reason it was top on my list. The creativity and artwork that I've seen is amazing. The people and the places make this place an excellent adventure for anyone. Go in head first and feel this city roar! 

A little history: It's hard to see many indigenous things in Guadalajara because it is very infused in the artwork. In every element of being there's an accent of this layered past. The Spanish, the indigenous, and the current Mexican lifestyle is fused into Guad culture. With everything you see take a minute to break down those layers so you can understand what Guadalajara really is- a second city and has pulled itself up from the dust and expanded with it's people.

Tags: guadalajara, mexico, tips, travel

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