Nothing much to report today.
Went for a walk around the centre of Wuhan and had a coffee (Starbucks is omnipresent).
Ladies were dancing in their pyjamas in the city mall. Some had swords but we only saw them putting the swords away.
The weather is warming up, and it was very pleasant today.
We caught the subway out to the high speed train and watched the country side go by. I'm not sure if I mentioned earlier, but we rarely see animals - mostly cereal (rice?) crops and brassica of some sort. Most flat parts of the countryside either have buildings or crops. We saw a couple of buffalo today. We also rarely see a tractor, so I guess a lot of the work is done by hand.
When we arrived as Yishan we had to work out how to get into town. Guessed one of the busses was probably heading into town so we hopped on. The mobile phone mapping function helps in these circumstances.
Then we caught a taxi to the "cruise terminal". We wondered what he was up to for a while, as there were potholes a foot deep on the road he was taking. He was passing busses on corners and I had to close my eyes, and suspect he was too. Anyway we arrived at the "terminal" but the cruise didn't have our name registered. Fortunately they realised we were trying to board the wrong ship, so they took us t the right one. Here we are now in our room - very comfortable.
Tomorrow we head off to see the Three Gorges. I am looking forward to a very relaxed time.