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Tokyo Dreaming

My Photo scholarship 2011 entry

Worldwide | Thursday, October 13, 2011 | 5 photos

Photography has been a passion of mine since my Grandmother looked after me when I was little. I would spend hours trawling through her NG journals. Gig photography has provided me with the confidence to approach strangers and to be on the look out for some of the more moodier photo opportunities in otherwise hectic environment. Additionally, nine years of photography training has provided me with an appreciation for composition and lighting. My style is honest and the following photos depict my love affair with Tokyo and its people.

The first image is taken at Meiji shrine. Of the hundreds of architectural photographs I took at Meiji that day, this snapshot of a traditional Japanese wedding is my favourite.

My second photo was taken at the Shibuya flea market. I'd finished shooting at Meiji and found myself lost in the markets on my way to the shopping district. As soon as I'd photographed this guy I knew I'd captured Tokyo in one frame.

The third photo is of a fish monger at the fish market. This place was an assault on the senses.

The fourth photo was taken from the Government Buildings in Shinjuku just before sunset. These girls were singing, eyes closed, to the city. After the hectic day these girls and the songs they sang to their city managed to restore in me a sense of calm.

The fifth photo is of a hiking group an Mt Fuji. Although not taken in Tokyo, it's not far from the city. I like this photo because it depicts Tokyoites at play; all the while surrounded by organised chaos. The mist, although inhibiting my view of the summit, provides an eery feel to the scene as well.

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