My Photo scholarship 2010 entry
Worldwide | Friday, August 27, 2010 | 5 photos
I discovered photography the last summer when I first visit Bosnia-Herzegovina. I did not want to travel like all the people do. That means, visiting places without seeing them. That is why I got bored of traveling for a while, because the trip was obvious, premeditated. But I decided to change the way of doing this.
So I went with a NGO of Journalism’s students from my country to visit the post-war country of Ancient Yugoslavia. And I can say that it is the best experience I’ve ever had until now. Truly. Why? Because we studied their complex history, and we tried to learn deeply that culture. Because we spoke with them, we danced with them, we ate with them… we lived with Bosnian families during 15 days.
It was the key point. In that trip I learned to use my mother’s camera, because I had not got one. It was a Nikon D80. I studied a little bit of photo at University but was in Bosnia where I really touch and feel how a camera works (more or less). And I made pictures of their villages, their graves, their mountains, and their people. I tried to capture that live in my digital mother’s camera, to make portrait of their wide kindness and injuries. And that was the best thing I have ever done in my 21 years.
And that is also the reason why I would love to join you. When I saw the advertisement about that project of National Geographic Channel in my inbox, I got excited wondering If I have just a little possibility to make a travel like that, in order to capture Kingdom of Bhutan’s people and culture in my machine and show them, and bring them back with me. And the most important: to have the opportunity to learn from a great mentor, and to learn photography.
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