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Two nights before takeoff

TAIWAN | Thursday, 16 December 2010 | Views [222]

So after months of speculating, reading, and more reading, I've finally purchased my ticket to Bangkok. This has been a trip about 3 months in the making, and I planned on going with or without a travel companion. It would have been more fun with a friend, but it just didn't work out that way, partly because schedules didn't line up, or there was hesitation on my part about when to leave. 

Made a list, haven't checked it twice, but packing will resume as soon as I'm done writing this.

Dad is worried as hell, and kind of yelled at me for being too rash. By rash, he means going alone to Thailand. I purchased travel insurance, and have one contact that I met online through couch surfers. This is not sufficient to assure most parents about their childrens' safety, but it's the best I can do right now. I can only be as safe and alert as possible; the rest seems to be up to the universe.

I am exciting about finally going. Can't wait to take the cooking and meditation classes, and eat all the street food that doesn't look like it'll give me D.

I packed me a first aid kit, got my mosquito repellent, and long sleeved clothing. I can only pray that I don't get bitten by a mozzie; can't help that I taste so damn good.

I'm also looking forward to just relaxing in my homestay and wandering the streets.

Tags: thailand

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