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Arriving in Peru

PERU | Tuesday, 29 January 2008 | Views [844] | Comments [4]

Hello everyone,

after a very long stop over in lima (regular would have been from 12 pm to 5 am) we had to wait another 5 hours in the waiting room, cause our connecting flight to Cuzco got cancelled due to very bad weather in cuzco. We stil made it around lunch time saturday. we are staying with a very, very nice host family. they are taking good care of us :o)

this morning we had our first spanish lessons at amauta school, which was very fun.

Cuzco is over 3000 meters high, so the air is very thin and all visitors feel a little off the first couple of days... but we are getting used to it. Everywhere they serve coca tea, which is supposed to help against hight sickness.

for the next two weeks we are staying here.

hello to everyone

christina and sandra

Tags: Culture



Hoi ihr beide

Cuzco gseht ja mega cool us. Hoffe ihr hends nöd ganz so übel mit de Höhekrankheit :O)

Wünsch eu ganz e gueti Ziit und lerned flissig spanisch ;O)


  Maya Jan 31, 2008 8:24 PM


Hoi Christina und Sandra

jetzt han ich grad s'erscht mal inä güxlet. Ihr händ ja scho mega viel erläbt. D'Fotänä händ mer sehr guät gfalle. Wünsche eu witerhin ä tolli Ziit.


  Melanie Feb 1, 2008 3:17 AM


hoi christina und sandra

han jetzt au grad eueri interesannte und schöne fötteli besichtiged. schön s gseh und ghöre, dass es eu guet goht! wünsch eu eh gueti ziit. passed guet uf eu uf!

liebe gruess seri*

  seri Feb 4, 2008 5:48 PM


Hey ihr zwei hübsche...

freut mich zlässe, dasses eui guet gaht und ihrs am gnüsse sind! sind ja würklich wunderschöni iidrück, wo ihr da am sammle sind :-) ä beidruckendi landschaft!

gnüssets ganz fescht und hebed eui sorg...liebs grüessli

  coco Feb 4, 2008 11:50 PM



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