My Photo scholarship 2011 entry
Worldwide | Friday, October 21, 2011 | 5 photos
HI I'm Chloe. I am an 18 year old collage student in the central valley of California. Photography is my passion, ever since i figured out how to use a camera I just can't keep away. My goal in life is to be able to travel the world and just take pictures and share them with others so they can see the world in a way they would never be able to experience. My love is Africa, if I could have it my way I would pack up and live there. It is such a beautiful land with so much to offer that there is no way to explain it with words. These following photos are taken in Kenya and Malawi Africa, years 2011 and 2009. the trip to Malawi was a 4 week trip with Teen Missions International where we were giving aids orphans socks and shoes so they would be able to get into schools. While we were there I mainly got to take pictures of the kids, which was really nice because it was so amazing to see how happy they would get when you did. Two years later I took a trip for 2 weeks to Kenya where we did outreaches on a mountain that had just gotten over a war, and we also got to go on a 4 day safari where we saw many animals (along with the great migration of the wilder-beast). I feel I should get this scholarship because I am prepared for it and already passionate about it in every way. So I hope you enjoy the following selection of photos I have picked out for this event.
Photo Galleries
Where I've been
My trip journals