There are [0] photos and [16] stories about Australia
Thursday, 30 Oct 2014 | Views [323]

Ever heard of Ned Kelly?
He's like the Australian Robin Hood, and this is a creepy plaster cast made of his head immediately after he was hanged.
Tags: australia, melbourne
Wednesday, 29 Oct 2014 | Views [329]

Note to self, remove key from locker before locking it.
Guess I need to get another lock now.
Tags: australia, melbourne
Wednesday, 29 Oct 2014 | Views [295]

"Would you like to take a helicopter?"
Yes please.
Tags: australia, melbourne
Tuesday, 28 Oct 2014 | Views [316]

The kangaroos are real friendly here.
Especially when you feed them.
Tags: australia, melbourne
Tuesday, 28 Oct 2014 | Views [316]

This little guy finally decided to stop taking a nap and pose for a quick selfie with me.
Tags: australia, melbourne
Monday, 27 Oct 2014 | Views [309]

Ciders here are pretty delicious. They taste just like juice until you try and stand up.
We happen to be enjoying these at Melbourne's oldest brothel, now converted to provide slightly different services.
Tags: australia, melbourne
Monday, 27 Oct 2014 | Views [321]

Not the typical kind of food you would expect to find in an alley in Edmonton, but this is pretty much the usual in Melbourne.
Tags: australia, melbourne
Monday, 27 Oct 2014 | Views [326]

Meat pies.
Why don't we have these delicious pies in Canada. They're available around the clock, 24/7.
Tags: australia, melbourne
Monday, 27 Oct 2014 | Views [298]

There sure is some random art here in Melbourne...
Tags: australia, melbourne
Sunday, 26 Oct 2014 | Views [296]

Top of the Eureka tower in Melbourne.
88 floors up and the highest viewing platform in the southern hemisphere.
Tags: australia, melbourne
Saturday, 25 Oct 2014 | Views [373]

Bondi beach really is as fantastic as people say.
We spent hours just lying on the grass enjoying the view.
Tags: australia, sydney
Saturday, 25 Oct 2014 | Views [368]

I'm not proud to admit how much we were willing to pay to get real poutine and a proper Caesar.
Tags: australia, sydney
Thursday, 23 Oct 2014 | Views [361]

Fresh oysters by right next to Sydney harbour.
Tags: australia, sydney
Thursday, 23 Oct 2014 | Views [402]

First day in Sydney, went for a walk around the harbour to enjoy the incredible view of the Sydney bridge and the opera house.
Tags: australia, sydney
Tuesday, 21 Oct 2014 | Views [335]

Meet Wally.
He likes to show up and swim alongside you while scuba diving along the Great Barrier Reef.
Tags: australia, cairns
Monday, 20 Oct 2014 | Views [313]

Just got to our hostel in Cairns.
Can you guess the gender of the other 6 people staying in this room?
Tags: australia, cairns