I've just returned from a morning in the healing rooms at Bethel. We had a much bigger team with 40 extra Bethel students assigned to the healing rooms as their outreach - myself included. I was teamed up with two guys, one of which has seen many people with cancer healed. Today we prayed for a woman with cancer in the lymph nodes in her neck and lupus. We prayed for her for about 10 minutes in total. As I put my hand on her neck to command the cancer to bow to the name of Jesus, I felt it move. It felt like it was dissolving under my hand. When she tried to feel the lumps, she couldn't find them! Thank you Jesus!
A little while later, everyone started clapping and making a big noise. A woman came into the room in a wheel chair. She had multiple sclerosis for 30 years. She couldn't open her one hand and was unable to even squeeze someone's hand with the other. There she was, dancing around waving her arms and flexing her hands. She walked, wheeling her wheel chair into the encounter room to share her testimony. Now that is something to celebrate!