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Adventurous Escapades

Grand Rapids, Michigan

USA | Tuesday, 20 October 2009 | Views [92]

I've just returned from a six day trip to Grand Rapids, Michigan.  I was part of a team that travelled with Chris Gore to a healing conference.  Chris Gore (Bethel) and Ian Andrews (from the UK) were the main speakers.

The Thursday night started with a bang as Ian Andrews started the conference off.  We saw three people healed of dyslexia.  He had them get up and read a difficult passage from the bible and they did it with no problem.  A young girl, about 11 years old had broken her arm and it didn't heal properly.  The bone was actually skew.  While Ian was releasing healing from the front, her arm just straighted and became completely normal.  Ian had the young girl pray for someone who had suffered from burning eyes for months. Totally healed.

On Friday night, Chris preached a powerful message on the power the testimony. In Revelations it says that the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.  In other words, when you tell a testimony of what Jesus has done, you release the power to do it again.  He told testimony after testimony.  One of them was a story of a woman who was healed of a rotator cuff issue (something to do with the shoulder).  A woman jumped up and shouted 'That's mine!'  She said that she'd had a dream that God was going to heal her and she'd been waiting all night to hear Chris call her condition out.  Immediately she was healed.  Then miracles just erupted.  We saw 3 people with diabetes healed, 3 people with flat feet suddenly had arches.  One guy came up for just about every condition.  It became obvious that God wanted to do an overhaul on this man.  He too had had a dream that God was going to do an overhaul on him and heal many things.  Another interesting story is about a man who had esophagus cancer.  A woman from Bethel who receives phone calls from people who call for healing, received a phone call from a man needing healing from esophagus cancer. When she realised he was from Michigan, she remembered my facebook comments about the conference.  He was so excited and came to the conference.  When Chris prayed for him, the power of God hit him  and knocked him to the floor and he said he felt fire going up and down his chest.

The pastor from the church in Valparaiso (my previous trip with Kris Vallotton in September) was at the conference.  He asked if Chris could preach at his church on Sunday morning.  So Chris, Chris' intern and two of us 2nd year students drove the 2,5 hours to Vaplaraiso, Indiana on Sunday morning.  It was quite amusing.  Chris was offered the choice of two cars, an SUV or a red Mustang convertible.  Guess which one he chose.  Yes, I was squashed in the back of the Mustang for 5 hours on sunday!  Chris preached an amazing message on living on the right side of the cross.  Afterwards we saw about 8 people healed of scoliosis.  Some had spines that looked like an S and some had bumps on their backs.  One by one each one's back became straight. 

That's just a few that I can remember off the top of my head.  It was amazing to see the power of God move like that. And what's even more amazing is that he wants to do that through every believer.  He paid for it on the cross and empowerd us to heal the sick, raise the dead and cast out demons.

I also had the privilege of being prayed over by Ian Andrews and receiving an impartation of what he carries.  Good stuff!!

For my Swiss friends.  Chris Gore mentioned that was doing a trip to Germany and Switzerland in January.  He said he's going to Winterthur.  I'll give you more details when I know more.

I would so love to do more trips like this one while I have this amazing opportunity.  If you would like to partner with me financially to cover the costs of the trips, I will contact you to give you the necessary details.



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