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Rajasthan, India

My Photo scholarship 2010 entry

Worldwide | Sunday, August 15, 2010 | 5 photos

Years ago, each month a yellow rectangular magazine clad in brown wrappings would arrive containing a passport to all the wonders of the world and beyond. Each Issue would transport me far away places where I would scale the roof tops of the world, ride in a camel train in the hot, dry deserts, scuba dive the oceans seaching for the lost treasure of long ago sailing ships. I would find new animals long thought extinct, break through jungles and forests to discover Machu Pichu's secrets and break open seals to forgotten Pharohs in the tombs of Egypt. I did all these things and never left my front porch. An uncle gave me a Kodak Insta-matic when I was six and the world opened up for me in ways I could not have imagained. Years passed and cameras changed but the passion for photography never lessened nor the urge to see the world. Then, one cold Feburary morning, I stepped off a jet into another world...Rajasthan India!

I had one goal, to capture photographs just like the ones I had envied from that magazine. The smoggy, loud cities, the quiet peace of the desert, the beauty of so many colors that a box of 64 crayons couldnt describe..the smells and sounds were so intense it was overwhelming my senses. I decided to let my camera make the descions.

A back alley cricket match in Delhi on Sunday morning.
Grace as a swan, a dancer in the Thar desert.
The Taj as seen in the early morning light..
The gentle push forward to step out into the world.
Heading home after a long day shopping.

A tourist, takes snapshots to prove they were there.
A traveler, captures images for all the beauty or ugliness because that is life and all that remains. I am want to be the traveler.

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