The sun will always shine (eventually)
CROATIA | Sunday, 11 May 2014 | Views [209] | Scholarship Entry
Is the question I made myself when I opened my eyes and realized I was sleeping in the floor of a ferry´s bar full of croatian truck drivers playing cards around me.
I was wearing the same clothes since I had left Italy, 24 hours ago. It took me three trains and two buses to get from Sorrento to Ancona, where I jump into the ferry that would take me to Croatia. I almost missed the first train, and would had ruined my whole adventure, but, for exactly 2 minutes, i didn´t. Its up to this day that I thank god I didn´t had that extra croissant at the hostel´s poor but Italian (duh) breakfast. It is scientifically proved that eating a croissant takes 2 minutes and 30 seconds, no more, no less.
The ticket i bought was the cheapest, of course. My priority was food, so I was trying to keep on moving spending as little money as possible, and eating as much pasta as i could afford. So, i got to the ferry, sweating so much i had to change my t-shirt into another one because of how wet it was. Once I got into the ship, with the heaviest backup ever hanging in my back, I realized I didn´t have a seat. My ticket only allowed me to STAND UP on the ferry´s outside. I tried to bring my bright side out and enjoy the view, the sunset. But once the moon was out, not only in became increasingly cold, but a group of 30 American highschoolers, who had just realized they could drink alcohol because they “were in Europe”, sat right next to me while I was trying to watch Juno on my laptopfreezing to death. They stared. A lot.
5 minutes was all I could handle, and had to run inside, looking for shelter. All sits at the “living room space” were taken, so my only option was the bar. I could not believe it. There were truck drivers drinking and playing and shouting as if they weren´t in the middle of the sea, moving, at 2 am on a weekday. 5 hours had gone, and I had at least 10 to go. That was it, I couldn’t take it anymore. I put he blankest face I could pull off, wrap my towel around me with all the dignity I had left, got my headphones on, and slept for 7 straight hours.
I woke up as if nothing happened, ask my new croatian friend if he could look after my stuff in sign language, and got a cappuccino ever at the bar. With the towel still wrapped around me, I went outside, where all the youngsters were pilled up one next to the other with the sunlight shining on their hangovery faces, and enjoyed the sunrise as if I was Kate Middleton waking up in her holiday castle.
Tags: 2014 Travel Writing Scholarship - Euro Roadtrip