Left very early and took a taxi to Panaji hoping to take an delux bus to Hospet...not to be! Thomas are you listening??? Nothing going out that day except a local bus at 12:20. Met a lovely Dutch couple Ania and Vim, also taking the bus. We were just keen to keep moving so happily joined the malee to get on this rickedy old vehicle with everyone carrying their jugs and clothing and probably homes with them. Lucky, very lucky to get tow seats together and a bit of room for the bags - so didn't want to put them on the floor and determined not to have them placed in the box on top of the bus either! Off we went at 12:30, excited, optomistic and enjoying the views - spectacular, and watching the interactions around us. That is until around 3pm when we climbed and climbed into the mountains, skimming edges of massive raveens at crazy speeds on roads that looked and felt like the surface of Jupitor. OUr feet wer dug into the floor - as if we could control the breaks and our bodies shifted against the gravitational pull of massive holes as if we could balance this monster andkeep it centred!! It wasn't fun any more - the two Dorethy's wanted to go home to Kansas! And to top it all the otehr side of the "road" was jammed with massive trucks carrying stones from one side ot the mountain to the other.
Then the bus took a break and we stopped for food, to stretch our legs and use the bathroom. Oh no! not here! We were on the mountain top in what looked and smelled like India's official dump and everyone got out and peed and poohed anywhere there was a space...then ate!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, our delicate western bodies were in hyperdrive. Here we caught up with Vim and Ania and discovered we'd make it to Hubli at 8pm! 8pm!!! This is their third visit to India and this journey will be for 11 weeks. Theyu were so excited about Hampi and drew a fabulous picture of Temples and people and life. They told us all this as they ate Samosas they bought from inside the black hole with smoke coming out and wondered why we weren't eating!?! Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh! Once on the bus myself and Cathy took out our purified water and safe packeged biscuits to munch on and hopefully distract us!
Onward and downward with our journey through the mountain, wobbling like a baby elephant taking it's firsts steps!
Finally arrived in Hubli in the dark and spat out on a packed dusty road near the bus station. Vim and Ania cheerfully told us all bus stations had a "retiring room" and since we all catching next bus or train out we should try it, so we went happily for a look. Well!!! A big latch held the door to a wall that didn't even go to the ceiling and when it opened it looked like every inhabitant of India had been dragged through it and I half expected the stained matresses to walk out in protest.
I was too shocked to speak and even more breathless to see that our Dutch companions were considereing this. Me Darling's face was like a Deer in headlights and i heard Vim ask for a second room for us! Like a Zombie my feet carried me to the next pig sty and finally i heard my voice speak one word: No! I looked at Cathy pleadingly and over and over I said: I can't! I can't! So we didn't and left Vim and Ania to haggle over the price.
Outside we caught a rickshaw to a hotel from the Longely Planet, made sure to see the rooms first, a couple of rooms then chose and settled in for the night and smoked our brains out and laughed and laughed and laughed!
New plan: when looking for a room, if there is even one doubt we move on!
New plan: no more local busses!
After searching the room and eliminating all kinds of crawley things we pined ourselves to the centre of the mattress and got some sleep! This room was actually very clean: we just didn't trust it :)
Namaste xx Cathy&Dee