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The day I realized that its all about me

Get out of your Box!

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 7 May 2014 | Views [171] | Scholarship Entry

I left my family back in India about a week ago. Taking off on my own true adventure. Not really knowing what would come. Many people told me about all the things that could go wrong while traveling by myself, unsure if they were really concerned or just jealous that I was about to travel around the world.
I expected a lot, but never would I have thought that the biggest danger was myself.
Back home I seem to be very extroverted, but the moment I arrived in Sydney, I could feel myself curling up in the darkest corner of my shell. I was alone and I was scared.
Really? I usually left the hostel early morning, walked until my feet could not carry me any longer, returned to the hostel and went to bed.
I knew that I will be all alone for the next 6 months. But why was I scared?
Well I stayed in this stage for about a week until I took off on a little adventure into the fauna of Australia. I was always amazed by the behavioral patters of animals.
The last stop of the day was Philipp Island in Victoria. I was about to watch some penguins go home and had booked premium seating. I did not quite understand what I was about to experience.
So I sat there alone, well actually not alone, I was surrounded by at least fifty people and we all waited for those little fairy penguins to start their journey home.
Fairy penguins are the smallest kind of penguins in the world. They live inside the dunes and head out early morning and only to return around sunset hoping that it would be to dark for the predators to catch them.
The sun started to set. Although hundreds of people came to watch, I was astonished by how quiet it was. I stared at the shore waiting and waiting. And then suddently I saw a little creature rise from the water. The little guy was not yet ready to come out. He hurled back into the safe sea. Every now and then one would come out, paralyzed by fear for a few seconds, just to turn around and hide again.Other penguins joined and soon little groups emerged from the water. A trilling sound arose and I soon realized that it was coming from those creatures, which now started to spread out onto the beach, walking towards their holes within the dunes. And this is when it hit me!
Of course that if I Stay in my shell, of course nobody can harm me, but on the other hand no good can happen either. I realized I had the leave my comfort zone just like those little penguins! My adventure will only be unique if I go out and experience it! And so I did!

Tags: 2014 Travel Writing Scholarship - Euro Roadtrip

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