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My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

Myanmar | Sunday, January 13, 2013 | flickr photos

My name is Carlo, I am an Italian- Australian citizen who grew up in Italy. While i was at the academy of fine arts i made a friend who always carried a camera around with him, which started my interest in photography. Occasionally he would teach me things about lighting and shutter speed, yet I never had a camera of my own.
Five years ago I moved to Australia, life carried on, I got a job as an OOSH co-ordinater and my interest in photography remained a dream I didn't have time for.
Until, one day I found a book "history of photography" by Beaumont Newhall which resparked my desire to learn more. I bought my first camera,a Canon 550D and started experimenting when I could.
Six months ago, I started travelling around south east asia with my girlfriend, and I finally got the opportunity to really give photography a go. I feel so lucky to have seen these places and to take photo's that try to capture a moment of innocence or beauty. I've always appreciated the work of national geographic, and the chance to participate in something like this would be fantastic. I hope you enjoy my photo's.

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