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Life in Caribbean

My Photo scholarship 2010 entry

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | Sunday, October 17, 2010 | 5 photos

I am a 29-year old particle physicist from Slovakia working at CERN and my work is fully based on strictly objective and emotionlessly-driven procedures in achieving the goals. During the course of time I fell in love with photography and a completely new world opened to me – as subjective as it could possibly be, full of emotions and stories, that can be told over and over and each time differently, only by changing the position relative to the subject, perspective or the shutter speed. And that I consider fascinating. The reason I’d love to be chosen is to be taught. To be told how to see the subject, how to preserve the emotions and how to tell the story. And what more can I ask for, than to be instructed to this photographic world by a professional photographer himself, during the real assignment and represented by National Geographic? Probably to have it all in Bhutan – the country I have always wanted to visit and never quite understood why. Maybe it was its remoteness, maybe the history, maybe both reasons together.

The photos were taken during my honeymoon trip to several Caribbean islands and represent my own attempts to catch an unbiased view on the life on these islands by speaking with locals and looking around. I tried to be realistic in conveying the story in the region of a massive tourist flow on one side and poor, but proud local people on the other. It was hard to achieve that (if I ever achieved it at all), as I was nothing but a common tourist myself, trapped in all that natural beauty everywhere around me.

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