My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited
India | Sunday, January 13, 2013 | 5 photos
Its been only about a year and a half that i have been into photography. The day i first held a camera i do not remember, but i do remember how i felt back then taking the very first photograph in my life. To hold your breath and capture a moment in time and somehow make everything that is present in that moment hold their breath as well. In order to be a photographer one must be conscious of the life that is present in every object present around us. So whenever i go out with friends or family, whether on a long tour or just a walk in my city, i carry along with me my camera. But i must honestly say that every time i look at the photos i have taken a sense of dissatisfaction lingers. There remains a lot to be learnt. How much light to be allowed, when and what and how much to include in the frame, which angle exactly and what not. I must say i feel the need for guidance. And i also feel the need to travel a lot more than usual. While travelling it often happens that i do see a potent photograph but i fail to capture it, and nothing can get more frustrating than this. The photos that i have submitted were taken on a trip to a seaside area on the outskirts of my city.
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